
How are lockdown trends transforming your Ramadan business strategy?

We’ve seen the headlines. The COVID-19 pandemic is transitioning the way we live and work, resulting in unexpected trends nationwide. Forward-thinking SMEs and retailers are planning to (if not already) transition their business online to fulfil consumers’ needs this Ramadan period. However, jumping on the digital marketing bandwagon without critical insight into the online marketplace, …

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Digital Technology: The Dawn of a New, Sustainable Era

The role and function of the Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) as a promoter of Malaysia’s digital economy cannot be over-emphasised. The need for operators to embrace digitalisation in their businesses is not a choice anymore. Take for instance the COVID-19 pandemic. It clearly showed that most SMEs, micro-enterprises, and start-ups were not prepared. The …

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3 Tips to Win Your Customers With Data-Driven Decisions

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to ravage the globe, multinational companies and SMEs in Malaysia are moving quickly to keep business moving during the Movement Control Order (MCO) period. Most are already pivoting to digitalise their business, an uncharted territory for some. With time, money, and brand loyalty at stake, now is not the time …

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Five Qualities of Resilient Leadership in Times of Crisis

Originally published by Deloitte Insights. Today, strong and effective leadership can help blunt the impact of a crisis — and enable your organization to emerge stronger. Explore these five fundamental qualities of resilient leadership that distinguish successful CEOs as they guide their enterprises through the COVID-19 crisis: Design from the heart … and the head. In crisis, …

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How Reputation Management Services Differ From PR Agencies

Some public relations agencies offer reputation management as a subset of their services. The difference between public relations agencies with reputation management companies is that reputation management firms focus entirely on reputation management, thus allowing such firms to develop core competencies in the subject. They have the operational and technical expertise to execute from all …

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Why You Need Reputation Management

You or your brand’s reputation today has more influence on consumer decision than any marketing, advertising or public relations campaign can have. Consumers expect public leaders to be transparent, and a strong reputation enhances an individual’s brand recall and public confidence. A reputation well managed can also help the individual with the following; Mitigate Negative …

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