Why You Need Reputation Management

You or your brand’s reputation today has more influence on consumer decision than any marketing, advertising or public relations campaign can have. Consumers expect public leaders to be transparent, and a strong reputation enhances an individual’s brand recall and public confidence.

A reputation well managed can also help the individual with the following;

Mitigate Negative Coverage: Negative content on individuals can be created on review sites, social media, dark social, personal blogs, digital and offline media as well as through internal communications. Reputation managers shield an individual from these unsavoury gossip, slander, unfounded criticism and politically-motivated attacks.

Build Credibility: For people who are not well publicised, effective reputation management amplifies their profile and allows them to build trust and credibility among their audiences. This can contribute to increased sales, improved team morale, improved investor confidence and many more.

Influence Decisions: Reputation management can not only manage one’s standing among stakeholders but also increase his influence among them. A well-managed reputation tied to a targeted communications strategy empowers an individual to lobby for changes and effectively enable them.

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