Online Reputation Management

What do Malaysian millennials look for in their employers?

According to a study done by PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisory Sdn Bhd (PWC Malaysia) called “Millennials at Work”, the millennials who were born from 1981 to 1996 (age 26 – 40 as of 2021) are looking for employers who can give them a platform for enhancement and development. This breaks down to three big sections;  Competitive wages …

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What’s your story?

According to Forrester’s 2021 Predictions Report, more than one-third of B2B technology buyers say digital engagement channels (such as vendor websites) have become more important in their buying journeys, while four in 10 indicate that human/analog engagement with sellers has become less important. The Content Marketing Institute also found the top two content marketing-related areas that organizations will …

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5 Emerging Digital Marketing Strategies to Try in 2022

As leaders are just about to see the benefits of this year’s marketing decisions, they soon realize it’s time to start planning marketing strategies for 2022. Thankfully, as the economic recovery gains momentum, hopefully, marketers will find themselves with a more padded budget to work with. But, what would be the best way to allocate …

5 Emerging Digital Marketing Strategies to Try in 2022 Read More »

If You Don’t Have a Strategic Marketing Plan, You’re Setting Yourself Up for Failure

Formulating the proper components of a marketing plan is critical to effectively help business owners set goals, turn their targeted audience into a steadfast and loyal customer base and assist with establishing a guide to organize and structure priorities. Within a marketing plan, it’s important to implement practical marketing strategies that can create a stable …

If You Don’t Have a Strategic Marketing Plan, You’re Setting Yourself Up for Failure Read More »

What is so difficult about clear and consistent storytelling for leaders and brands?

Our leaders and businesses are having a tough time understanding how to communicate in a digital world. “Aiyaa..what I say to my staff is different to what I put on social media. Must be careful or will get whacked!” We have seen the results of a careless or downright arrogant post…disaster ensues.   As a Malaysian …

What is so difficult about clear and consistent storytelling for leaders and brands? Read More »

The future of leadership depends on these 4 strategies

Director of experience design Klaus Heesch observes that as leaders chart a path through uncertainty, it’s important to remember the framing of an ecosystem. Any experience or any one person can be connected to others or even groups of others. And it’s a leader’s job to bring them all together. Leaders need a new playbook …

The future of leadership depends on these 4 strategies Read More »

Manufacturer reactivates digital brand visibility

Practice Areas: Social media marketing, Spokesperson Thought Leadership A global automaker was experiencing low brand visibility across social media channels vis-à-vis peers. Existing digital content was solely product-focused with minimal coverage of the brand’s core values and sustainability agenda. The brand needed a focused content strategy to increase key digital metrics and drive thought leadership. …

Manufacturer reactivates digital brand visibility Read More »

Effective change management drives brand loyalty

Practice Areas: Change mangement, Crisis communications, Reputation management A global tire manufacturer was faced with a critical challenge: to mitigate the negative impact of its decision to downsize its operations. A voluntary separation scheme was offered to employees but morale was low. There was a fear that employees would retaliate. Solution: Guided by Engage SEA …

Effective change management drives brand loyalty Read More »

Digital Technology: The Dawn of a New, Sustainable Era

The role and function of the Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) as a promoter of Malaysia’s digital economy cannot be over-emphasised. The need for operators to embrace digitalisation in their businesses is not a choice anymore. Take for instance the COVID-19 pandemic. It clearly showed that most SMEs, micro-enterprises, and start-ups were not prepared. The …

Digital Technology: The Dawn of a New, Sustainable Era Read More »

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